Д-р Петя Н. Георгиева
Agricultural University Plovdiv
Abstract. This article presents the publishing activity of the Agricultural University of Plovdiv from the establishment of Plovdiv State University in 1945 to the present day. Initially, the Plovdiv State University included two faculties – medical and agronomic. Then, the publication of the collection “Scientific Works” began. The first issue was published in 1947 jointly with the Faculty of Medicine under the name “Yearbook”. After 1950, the Faculty of Agronomy was separated as an independent Higher Agricultural Institute and started publishing the newspaper “Kolarovets”. Later, the newspaper’s name was “Niva,” and the last issue was published in 1997. The publishing activity of the Higher Agricultural Institute grew with the publication of textbooks and monographs, but it also began to accept external orders. In 1994, the Higher Agricultural Institute celebrated its 50th anniversary by establishing an Academic Publishing House with a new and modern printing facility. Since 2009, the specialized scientific journal “Agrarni nauki”/”Agricultural Sciences” has been published, which is also published in electronic edition and is indexed in the best academic research databases in the World.
Keywords: Agricultural University, academic publishing, newspapers, electronic journals