Dr. Svetlana Angelova, Assoc. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Dr. Berdzhuhi Yordanova, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Anna Varbanova, Аssist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This article explores the interaction of stakeholder participants within the pre-graduation field practice of students in non-formal education majors. It draws a connection between student satisfaction with university partners (base organizations and non-formal education professionals) and their role of the latter in the context of the knowledge society concept. It is argued that students’ satisfaction with the university partners is of key importance for the effectiveness of the pre-graduation field practice, and hence for building the vision of their future professional careers, and, respectively, as a prerequisite for the knowledge transfer towards and within the field of practice.
Keywords: satisfaction; students, non-formal education; pre-graduate practice; university partners; knowledge transfer