Dr. Miglena Angelova, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Rima Tamošiūnienė
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Prof. Kiril Anguelov, DSc.
Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The current research presents the attitude of university professors to the rapid digital transformation of educational process during COVID-19. Learning process is not random mixture of different mechanical activities, contrariwise – it requires combine efforts both of lecturers and students with the possibility of direct communication, securing sharing of knowledge, skill and ability. The aim of the current research is to understand the opinion of the university professors on the online education and its impact both on students and lecturers. For this purpose we conduct a survey (n=434). Our results indicate that scholars are adamant that online classes require much more effort and self-preparation. At the same time results from the survey reveal the heavy workload of lecturer due to the lack of direct connection with audience. The university professors admit the greater intensity of the online education, but their concentration remains the same, despite the type of lecture – online or traditional.
Keywords: online education, digital transformation, COVID-19, universities