Kostadin Chompalov
Prof. Dr. Dobrinka Georgieva
Medical University of Plovdiv
Abstract. This study investigated the specific language deficits observed in persons with aphasia through a theoretical analysis of some of the classic and more recent literature in the field. The study used a systematic search and subsequent analysis of publications related to the topic retrieved from well-known electronic databases: PubMed, PsycINFO and Web of Science. The results suggest a nuanced interaction between language components and speech production in persons with aphasia. The theoretical analysis contributes to the understanding of aphasia by highlighting the sophisticated interplay between language processes and speech in individuals affected by this neurologically based communication disorder. It draws the attention of the speech and language pathologist to the need for evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic interventions tailored to the language profiles of persons with aphasia.
Keywords: aphasia, linguistic components, language impairment, speech production