Sagimbayeva Jannat Elemesovna, Assoc. Prof.1;
Tazhitova Gulzhakhan Zarubaevna, Assist. Prof.1;
Mukhtarkhanova Ainagul Madievna, Assoc. Prof.1;
Duvanaeva Karachach Toktomamotovna, Assoc. Prof.2;
Kurmanayeva Dina Kassimbekovna, Assoc. Prof.1
1.L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University – Astana (Kazakhstan)
2.Osh University (Kyrgyzstan)
Abstract. This paper explores the internet resources used by Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan universities students for English learning. Use of Internet resources in learning English became one of the relevant topics nowadays. As theoretical methods generalization, analysis and a questionnaire as an empirical method have been used in the study. Based on the empirical data the authors tried to identify which internet resources students of both countries use in their learning English and their influence for successful learning. Moreover, the study revealed the factors that impact and restrict students to use internet resources in learning English. The authors believe that teachers should direct, encourage their students to use internet resources for learning and incorporate the materials from different resources into English classes.
Keywords: internet resources; learning; information technologies; English teaching; education; benefit