Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova, DSc.
Assist. Prof. Ekaterina Tomova, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. The definition and structural-content description of basic competences of teachers in a normative document presenting the state requirements for the
qualification “teacher” in 2021 is a challenge for higher schools in Bulgaria how to practically apply the competence approach in the training of future teachers. The present study is the first that aims to survey the opinion of students studying pedagogic disciplines in relation to the main competences of teachers such as: teaching, relationships with students, relationships with other pedagogical professionals, leadership, work with parents and family community, educational work, work in a multicultural and inclusive school environment. The results
illustrate the importance of students' awareness of the teacher's basic professional pedagogical competencies, including the implementation of reflection in relation to
their content components.
Keywords: teacher's competence profile; professional-pedagogical competences; university pedagogical training; students' opinion