Prof. Dr. Vladimira Angelova,
Dr. Aleksandra Nikolova, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The mathematics curriculum for the first grade of primary school /compulsory preparation/ outlines six main topics which define the educational content intended for learning. One of these topics is Addition and Subtraction of numbers within 20 with regrouping. This paper aims to present a study related to the creation of original package of electronic educational content, which was developed in order to help the 7 – 8-year-old students acquire the knowledge and skills of subtracting numbers within 20 with regrouping. The e-learning content package includes worksheets created on the digital online platform LiveWorksheets. The
degree of effectiveness of the developed electronic educational resources was
examined during the academic year 2021/2022. 144 students from the first grade
of primary school participated in the experimental study. The obtained results of
the experiment and their analysis show that the application of the presented original
package of electronic educational resources leads to an easier and deeper assimilation
of knowledge and skills for subtracting numbers within 20 with regrouping.
Keywords: primary-school mathematics education; e-learning content; interactive worksheets