Nevena Ivanova, PhD
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – IPS
Abstract. This essay studies the paradigm shifts in cognition occurring in human history due to the invention of three fundamental technologies of information and communication: writing, printing, and computation. What we question is not so much the operation of specific cognitive faculties (perception, memory, imagination, understanding or reason), as much as what after Yuk Hui we can call the “condition of philosophizing” (Hui 2019, p. 47). Hence, we will inquire into the paradigm shifts in the condition of thought due to the invention of different technologies of cognition. Or put it otherwise, borrowing a notion of Gilles Deleuze (1968, pp.169 – 217), we will look into three different “images of thought”: the boundaries that define what can be thought and how it can be thought.
Keywords: cognition; grammatisation; logocentrism; mechano-centrism; computational technologies; cybernetics.