Martina Tsenova,
Dr. Milena Kirova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The successful integration of digital technologies in teaching depends on the skills and attitudes of the teachers. The presented research compares the attitudes of Bulgarian chemistry teachers for the application of digital technologies in the classroom before and after distance learning, which became necessary in the period 2020 – 2022. The research instrument is a questionnaire containing 35 items and the survey was conducted online. Forty-eight chemistry teachers participated in the survey in 2019, and in 2022 – 49 teachers. Data were compared by non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The results show significant differences in the attitudes of the chemistry teachers towards the application of digital technologies in the classroom, especially regarding their benefits in teaching and learning.
Keywords: 0teachers’ attitudes; ICT; digital competence; cпhemistry education; =science education