Dr. Nikolay Turlakov, Assoc. Prof.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Absract. This work can be seen as a kind of continuation of the main topic in my essay “Notes on the Assimetrical Rhythm of Being, or What is Philosophy with a Soul”. Here I make a new attempt to support the thesis why the understanding and study of what I call the “unique Rhythm of Being” is an important and relevant philosophical task.
I call the non-proprietary (not arising from itself) rhythm of being that which appears in the self-reflection of thinking as pure logos thinking. On the contrary, the self-existent (arising in Ereignis from the Being itself) Rhythm of Being is the
Meaning we understand from our existential being-in-the-world as we are involved
in a situation of one story and concern.
Keywords: philosophy; metaphysics; being; logos; language; rhythm; sense; autenticity