Гл. ас. д-р Невена Неделчева
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Abstract. The present research is a kind of attempt to present all those barriers that appeared before the population living in the empire in the 17th century and that could reflect on its economic stability. Based on unpublished Ottoman documents, in combination with other types of data, the study presents indicators of a crisis experienced by the population in the empire during this century. The reasons that give rise to them (political, epidemiological, climatic) are marked, as well as the consequences they bring, brought out through the particular case of a territory limited in its scope (Nahiya Kara Lom). Although they are brought out through the particular case of a small territory of the Ottoman Empire, they are a clear marker of what was happening to the population in the empire in this century and are a starting point for the study of issues such as migration, Islamization and economic life.
Keywords: Ottoman Empire, Crisis; Little Ice Age, Epidemics, Rumelia, Nahiya