Dr. Kristiyan Kovachev
Institute of Balkan Studies with Centre of Thracology “Prof. Al. Fol”
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The article examines the polemical anti-Latin writings “The Tale of how Rome fell away from the Orthodox Greek faith” (according to manuscript TSIAI 1161) and “Word of how Rome fell” (according to manuscript SANU 147) in the context of the theme of apocalyptic prophecies and the expectation of severe, but God’s just punishment for sins committed. A study of these short but message-laden late medieval texts reveals not only the perception of the conflict between East and West among ordinary people, but also the fear of catastrophic consequences for the world as a result of the violation of church tradition. The change of custom also implies an intervention in the plan of the Creator and changes in the physically visible and spiritual world.
Keywords: polemics, Latin, disasters, Great Schism