Д-р Лора Рашкова
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Absract. In a consecutive order, this article examines certain topics that connect the “living standard” phenomenon and the opportunities for analysis through a series of parameters (characteristics); the fundamental measurement methods (approaches); other social phenomena and processes in public spaces. Simultaneously, the article introduces aspects of the influence of the living standards on social development. Through a system of indicators, a quantitative and qualitative complex analysis of the human potential development is possible. Some of said indicators bear information of the development’s content as a socioeconomic category, whereas others give an opportunity for evaluation of its components; however, only in a systematic and interconnected manner, can those indicators be used to characterize the development’s complexity and its multiple aspects. The human development index and its components summarize the achieved level of social development in the separate countries as a quantitative measure for human potential.
Keywords: living standard; longevity; education; gross domestic product; GDP; income.