Boyan Mednikarov, Siyana Lutzkanova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The publication evaluates the applicability of John Boyd’s OODA Loop (observe-orient-decide-act) theory for the analysis of human error in the maritime industry. The predominant share of human error among the range of maritime safety issues is revealed. The interdependence between the different phases of the OODA Loop to achieve the desired state of maritime safety is studied, namely the correct actions in each of the implemented cycles. So, the paramount importance of situational awareness as a prerequisite for safety is proven. The mechanisms for manifestation of other factors endangering maritime safety are also analyzed, such as: lack of competence, fatigue, stress, etc. In conclusion, the role of the time factor in the realization of the OODA Loop is assessed and in this context, approaches are offered to increase the possibility for realization of a quality loop.
Keywords: OODA Loop; human error; leadership training; maritime safety