Dr. Ivelina Peneva
MBAL „St. Panteleimon“ - Yambol
Absract. The article summarized the results of the research activity of Andrey Rossokhin, which is devoted to studying the dynamics of reflection in the altered states of consciousness in the course of psychoanalytic process. These states of consciousness are characterized by transformation of the semantic space of the subject and changing forms of categorization with a transition from socially normed to new ways of rationalizing internal experience and experiences take place.
By theoretical and empirical analyses, A. Rossokhin concluded that through
means of the internal dialogue during the altered states of consciousness, it carries
out an active reflexive rethinking activity both previously non-reflective mental
content and the very strategies of reflection with the internal dialogue. This leads to
qualitative alteration in value-meaning formations, activates, and brings about the
personality integration into a new, more complete state.
With these scientific discoveries, Andrey Rossokhin elaborated a new scientific
field - the psychology of reflection in altered states of consciousness.
Keywords: reflection; altered states of consciousness; psychoanalysis