Silvia Gaftandzhieva, Rositsa Doneva, Marieta Atanasova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Contemporary education has been experiencing difficulties because of the fast changing content, especially in the field of Information Technology. In this regard, education institutions have seen an increasing emphasis on the role of computational thinking. Forming Computational Thinking in IT training would help to use fewer efforts and less time to update knowledge and skills in this area after a long period of time – no matter what new technologies, company developed software systems and interface tools have appeared. This article aims to propose an approach to form computational thinking when presenting learning content in order to overcome one of the basic challenges of contemporary IT training – the frequency and high change scales of the studied technologies and tools, which is all a result of high speed of technological advance. The article suggests an invariant framework, which could be used to form computational thinking skills in IT training. The framework allows trainers to formulate skills for pattern recognition, abstraction and focusing on the important information. As a proof for the efficiency of the offered invariant framework for IT knowledge in terms of the discussed problem, part of the learning content related to spreadsheet training has been presented.
Keywords: computational thinking; IT training; invariant knowledge; spreadsheet; framework