Ivica Kuzmanić, Igor Vujović,
Zlatan Kulenović, Miro Petković
University of Split (Croatia)
Abstract. The research on 3D printing aboard ships is already under way. The private sector and the navy are both experimenting with its usage. This type of education is however missing in mariner education (e.g. Electrotechnical Officer) and in International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) alike. Various authors have proposed that 3D printing should be included in the STCW standard courses. This paper describes an example of introduction of 3D printing into marine electrical engineering education at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split. The class is mandatory for this study. This is performed through “learning by doing” technique.
Keywords: 3d Printing; electrotechnical officer; mariner education; problem based learning; spare parts