Dr. Pavel Stefanov, Assoc. Prof.
National Academy of Music
“Prof. Pancho Vladigerov” - Sofia
Absract. . Artificial intelligence is more and more present into all areas of human activity. Art, and music in particular, is no exception to this trend. In the field of sound engineering, there are numerous activities where AI can assist the human sound engineer with great success. For some sound engineering tasks, AI applications are very useful and have great practical positives.
In sound processing, analysis and decomposition of a stereophonic mix into its
component parts, AI has had considerable success. Cleaning up certain elements
of the phonogram is also an area of enviable achievement for AI applications. In a
process such as music mastering, AI is again doing quite well (though not perfectly)
insofar as its functions consist of application of detailed analytical operations, established algorithms, extrapolation, and synthesis. In more complex tasks such as mixing, for example, where different approaches make the possible variations immeasurably more numerous, AI still has relatively modest success.
Keywords: AI; sound engineering; mixing, mastering; noise reduction; sound restoration; music generator