Assoc. Prof. Yosif Nunev, DSc.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Pleven College of Pedagogy
Absract. The aim of the study is to provide directors of educational institutions, experts from regional education departments, as well as specialists in municipalities with an accessible model for researching families with varying degrees of vulnerability with a view to more effective organization and management of learning and participation. of children and students from these families. Identifying and getting acquainted with the specific features of the living environment of communities and especially the most at-risk families between them, allows each teacher to change themselves and the educational environment to make it more inclusive and meet the individual needs of every child. The model allows every pedagogical specialist
who finds himself in such a cultural and educational environment to organize and
purposefully subordinate his activity to get to know the specifics of life of his graduates and put his work on a scientific basis. The research can be reproduced with each formed problem community in urban or rural environment.
Keywords: socio-cultural environment; vulnerable families; organization and management