Dr. Bistra Tarakova
Vocational School of Economics and Tourism “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” - Petrich
Absract. Project-based learning centers education around the student's personality.
It relies on the cognitive activity, creative imagination, creativity and team thinking of
students, guided by teachers who are in the position of motivators and facilitators. The
article presents a model for project-based learning, which makes interdisciplinary links
between general and vocational education, combines elements of formal and nonformal
education, active and interactive learning and involves students in a real learning
community. The educational project “Enchanté de faire votre connaissance, Monsieur
Onéguine” provided an opportunity to enrich the educational environment, outsource
learning, new roles for teachers and students, pedagogical innovation, improving students'
professional competencies and building an attitude to learning in whole life.
Keywords: project-based learning; vocational education; competence; life-long
learning; literature; сulturology; сonnectivism; students' role; teacher's role; innovation