Prof. Dr. Emil Enev
Rakovski National Defence College
Absract. At the beginning of the XXI century, the understanding of transformation encompasses not only organizational and structural processes, but also processes regarding the proficiency of those who implement them. In the Armed Forces system, proficiency can be considered in several aspects – doctrinal, managerial, methodological, psychological, pedagogical, technical. Since transformation is not a single act, but an ongoing function of the National Security System, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the continuity of the process of acquiring knowledge for today's immediate performers as they grow and assume positions of responsibility.
The purpose of this paper is to present arguments for the need to transform the proficiency (knowledge and capabilities) of transformational process leaders – at operational and tactical levels, to navigate and skillfully apply modern technological innovations in favour of the thinking and preparation of the governing bodies and in the Land Forces training system.
Keywords: security; defense; transformation; education; andragogy