Verzhiniya Savova
Kindergarten 1 „Happy Childhood“
"A child's happiness and prosperity depends
the full and planned interaction
of parents with the educational institution. "
Absract. The article deals with the pedagogical interaction between parents - children - teachers as a basis for the full development of children's personality in preschool age. The key to successful kindergarten-family cooperation is positivity in the teacher-child-parent relationship. Teamwork is the key to a successful partnership, so that the child can become a responsible person striving for intellectual, emotional and social development. In this context, emphasis is placed on the use of complementary forms of pedagogical interaction, innovative forms and methods, teacher-parent collaboration. Educators use their ideas, knowledge and professional experience and thus achieve a successful cooperation and efficiency in communication and joint work with parents. Involving parents in the activities of the group stimulates children to be more confident and to develop their creative potential.
Keywords: pedagogical interaction, parents, kindergarten, cooperation