Nikola Shindarov, PhD student
National Museum of Military History
Absract. This current article examines the changes that occurred in the leadership of the Bulgarian Agrarian Union in the period from November 10 to the end of 1989. The research presents the reflection of what is happening in the Bulgarian Communist Party and the country in relation to the Union, the differencesin the reactions of the agrarian leaders, the main themes, which become the subject of debates by the union members, the contradictions between the BZNS leadershipand the forming critical group of members, as well as the opposite positions between the structures in the country about intra-party and public issues. The topic is also
presented in the light of a process coming into view not only of the political entities
in the country, but also of the diplomatic corps. The purpose of the article is to shed
light on the main interrelationships, causes and consequences that led to the changes
at the top of the union.
Keywords: Bulgarian Agrarian Union; BZNS; transition; Bulgarian Communist Party; party system
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