Dr. Mirena Patseva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Elena Runevska, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The work represents an attempt to take a step in the direction of building a connection between scientific developments in the field of instrumental phonetics and the teaching of Bulgarian as a foreign language. Technological studies point to problem
areas of the pronunciation of the Bulgarian language by speakers of closely related
languages such as Ukrainian. As an object of attention and corrective work, we noted
some segmental deviations in the articulation of (е, ə, о, tʃ, t), slow pace of speech and
articulation, fluency disorders, positional accent deviations and those in accent realization (indiscernible difference in the acoustic ques of stressed and unstressed units) and inconsistent reduction. We believe that audio and visual demonstrations have a place in teaching pronunciation in Bulgarian as a foreign language. A „translation“ of the
specialized terminology of linguistics and illustrative materials are needed, which serve
not only for illustration, but also as material for one‘s own production in comparison with
that of native speakers.
Keywords: foreign language learning and teaching; pronunciation; prosody; tempo;
stress; Bulgarian language