Silvia Gaftandzhieva1), Rositsa Doneva1), Sadiq Hussain2),
Ashis Talukder3,4), Gunadeep Chetia2), Nisha Gohain2)
1)University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
2)Dibrugarh University – Dibrugarh (India)
3)Khulna University – Khulna (Bangladesh)
4)Australian National University – Canberra (Australia)
Abstract. This research paper focuses on studying students’ perspectives on the quality of
online course developed to support traditional face-to-face learning, specifically exploring their
satisfaction levels. The study aims to identify the factors influencing student satisfaction and their
impact on academic performance. A questionnaire was developed, consisting of four evaluated
areas: course content and design, organization and preparation of training, communication and
support in the learning process, and evaluation. The questionnaire was administered to 51 students
who completed an Object-Oriented Programming course. The collected data was analysed using
statistical techniques, including skewness and kurtosis indexes, Cronbach’s alpha coefficients,
average variance extracted (AVE), composite reliability (CR), and principal component analysis
(PCA). The findings revealed a generally positive perception of course content, organization,
communication, and evaluation with specific areas identified for improvement. The findings
emphasize the importance of addressing students’ satisfaction to enhance the overall quality of
blended learning courses. The study contributes to the existing literature on student satisfaction
with learning courses for blended learning. It highlights the need for institutions to prioritize
course quality to meet students’ expectations and needs.
Keywords: blended learning; student satisfaction; survey; quality