Dr. Nadya Cherneva, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Boryana Tencheva, Assist. Prof.
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Absract. The following article explores the usage and transformations of various connotative units in the contemporary Bulgarian and Russian TV advertisement discourse. The role of precedent phenomena (precedent texts, precedent statements, precedent names, precedent situations) is defined in the mirror of intertextuality and interdiscursivity.
The theoretical part of this work includes different definitions, on the basis of which the linguocultural units (from classical literature, fairy tales, movies, lyrics of songs, sayings, phraseology, statements of famous people and advertisement) in both languages are grouped according to the classification advanced and their sources of origin and modifications. The different types of structural and semantic changes in their combinations are studied.
Keywords: intertextuality; interdiscursivity; precedent phenomena; TV advertisement; teaching foreign languages practice