Hristiyan Danchev
Central State Archives
Sofia, Bulgaria
Absract. The aim of this article is to examine the relations between the government and the theater in the first months after the coup of 9 September 1944.The main focus is on the conduct of the “purge” in the Union of the Artists inBulgaria, which is part of the transformations in the cultural organizations after theFatherland Front came to power. For this purpose, the method of historical analysisis applied. The study reveals that the leadership of the Union of the Artists take theinitiative to “eradicate fascism in culture” by carrying out a “purge” in its rows,
thus fulfilling the task set by the new government of the Fatherland Front. Data
is presented on the number of members “purged”, along with information on the
charges against them and the fate of some of them in the following years.
Keywords: theater; purge; Fatherland Front; Union of Artists in Bulgaria
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