1)Tsanko Mihov, 2)Gencho Stoitsov, 2)Ivan Dimitrov
1)Primary school “Hristo Botev” – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
2)University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Robotics has a significant role in modern life. Complex programmable devices are used in high-tech manufactures as well as in many households. More and more people encounter the need to control and program robotic devices. For this reason, STEM education aims to develop such digital competencies in modern students. This article represents the results from a questionnaire held for students from the primary school stage who participate in a STEM education in robotics and assess the activities positively. We suggest three variants of tasks with solutions suitable for the students and for the working process with the robot Edison and programming environment of EdBlocks.
Keywords: STEM; digital competencies; Edison; EdBlocks; primary school
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