Siyana Lutzkanova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The specific regional dynamics of maritime security environment in EU raise the question whether and to what extent the processes of “regionalization of security” need to be implemented within the principles of current CSDP (Common Security and Defense Policy) and European maritime security strategy. Joint civil-military concept of operations on regionalization of CSDP action in different regions like Saher Mali or Sahel Nigeria are good examples of tackling specific regional threats with individual regional approach based on the main strategic interests of the EU. The unification of policies based on international regulations in the maritime domain are examined in the context of the very specific regional aspects of the European national maritime spaces. Some examples of Black Sea maritime security issues are analyzed with the question to which extent basic assumptions of the current CSDP and European maritime security strategy are applicable to the challenges of the current security environment in this region. The levels of sustainability and resilience are connected to the processes of democracy development, some socio-demographic characteristics of the region and even cultural-civilizational aspects. Those assumptions are especially important in the context of state’s resilience capabilities for preservations of basic state functions in times of crisis occurrence and crisis management. Another point is the possibility to use the regionalization security process as “window of opportunity” to set new agenda for possible mitigation of tensions between the Black Sea EU members and non EU-members in the region.
Keywords: regionalization of security; Black sea security; maritime risks and threats; containment and congagement strategies