Hristina Hristova, PhD Student
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. The purpose of this study is to present unknown and little known facts about the participation of the Sofia representative Hristo Todorov Stoyanov in the Church National Assembly in 1871. He was one of the most active participants in the discussions on the draft statute for the management and structure of the Bulgarian Exarchate. His legal education, extensive knowledge of ecclesiastical and Ottoman legislation, and personal qualities enabled him to express a
competent and reasoned opinion in the disputes and discussions that accompanied
all meetings. As an advocate of the democratic views regarding the structure of the Bulgarian Church, Hristo Stoyanov supported the principles of electivity and interchangeability of governing bodies, as well as of active participation of the people in the management of the Bulgarian Exarchate. He demonstrated views and a mindset of a parliamentarian that were modern for his time. The experience he had gained contributed to his future success as a member of the Constituent National Assembly in Veliko Tarnovo, as well as of the First and Second Ordinary National Assemblies. Stoyanov was among the “builders” of Modern Bulgaria. He was also a minister (three times), Chief Public Prosecutor, Chairman of the Supreme Court
of Cassation of Bulgaria, a publicist and a respected lecturer at the St. Kliment
Ohridski University of Sofia.
Keywords: Hristo Stoyanov; representative; Church National Assembly; draft statute; meetings; jurist