Prof. Andreana Eftimova, DSc.
Sofia University
Prof. Natalia Długosz, DSc.
Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań
Absract. This text presents a part of a complex study involving several experiments. Here, the results of the associative experiment are analyzed, the aim of which is to establish the associative field and the semantic structure of three pairs of composites with covid- and corona- in Bulgarian and Polish: kovidturism and koronaturystyka, kovidkupon and koronaparty, koronapanika and koronapanika, by outlining the attitudes towards the concepts they denote.
The results of the associative experiment show that the studied words are fixed in
the linguistic consciousness of the Bulgarian and Polish respondents with a certain
variability of the semantic structure due to the high dispersion of the reactions. The
associative cores of the same associations given by Bulgarian and Polish respondents
show differences, with the concentration of responses in the Polish associative core
being higher. This proves a more firmly established meaning of compositums in the
Polish linguistic consciousness. It is obvious that social experience and practices
influence the formation of the image of the concepts and the construction of the
meaning of the composites with the first component covid- and corona- in both
languages, and these processes are not yet complete.
Keywords: associative experiment; composites with covid- and corona-; semantics; connotations