Dr. Desislava Georgieva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
Abstract. This research examines the problem of training future primary school
teachers and math teachers in the conditions of the Covid-19 crisis. Based on the
conducted 3-year pedagogical research, the author developed a didactical competence
model for giving online synchronous lectures and seminar exercises in the disciplines
of Mathematics and Methodology of teaching mathematics. The universalized model
can be used to form and develop the pedagogical and mathematical competences of
future teachers, as well as to conduct online classes with secondary school students and
high school students. The model has been utilized in three variants: using of MS
Equation’s instruments, GeoGebra and OpenBoard. The competences acquired by the
future teachers are described. A model to easily record quality math educational videos
is proposed. It is concluded that traditional teaching methods should be applied,
renewed, expanded and enriched with new technological means.
Keywords: didactics of mathematics; future teachers; model for education; online
synchronous seminar exercises; video lectures; e-learning resources