Al-Obaidi S.H.1, Hofmann M.2, Khalaf F.H.3
1,2 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Mining University (Russia)
3 Department of Petroleum Engineering, Knowledge University, Erbil (Iraq)
Abstract. In order to improve the development of reserves, optimal technologies must be introduced to meet the regular increase in demand for hydrocarbons. Injection of low-salinity water is one of these technologies that have been shown to be effective in solving this problem. Accordingly, low-salt water is investigated as a potential method to increase terrigenous oil recovery. Based on modelling the flooding of solutions with different salinities, the effect of salt concentration on oil displacement efficiency during re-injection was assessed. Salinity reduction efficiency was examined by comparing oil recovery after flooding with high salinity water. Due to active interactions at the oil-water interface, including an increase in viscoelasticity, the oil recovery factor increased with a decrease in salinity.
Oil recovery increased by 1.3 – 2% as water salinity decreased.
Keywords: enhanced oil recovery; low-salt water; oil-water interface; viscoelasticity; waterflooding