Dr. Zhaneta Kalinova
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria)
Abstract. One of the important aspects of organizational functioning is the adaptation process. Classically, the process is seen as adaptation to changes in the environment. and a factor for effective functioning. The publication presents the adaptation process as a cause of organizational aging – a classic problem of organizational development. As social systems, organizations go through stages analogous to biological systems. This presentation examines the specifics of the development process of organizations using a model representing the life cycle of an organizational system. The organization faces daily problems of different nature. In the stages of its life cycle, when it succeeds in dealing with problems, we see organizational growth. Over time, as a result of a declining ability to make adequate decisions, the organization reaches decline. There are a number of techniques for returning organizations to their creative period. In this context, this publication presents entrepreneurship as a tool for organizational renewal and modernization of educational systems. The conclusions drawn are supported by a study of a model organization Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy. The main research method applied is statistical analysis.
Keywords: educational organizations; management; life cycle of organizations; organizational aging; entrepreneurship in education