Dr. Sylvia Borissova, Assoc. Prof.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Absract. The article aims to present, in a comparative analysis between the romanticist value subjectivity and the postmodern one (which for Lyotard is no less “tribute to romanticism”), the metamorphosis of the most reflective, or borderline aesthetic categories-values (the sublime, the ironic, the tragic as a “tragedy of existence” in the sense of Losev; the absurd in its aesthetic interpretation, etc.): how, after the “verticals of the Spirit” have been torn out and in the conditions of “a thousand plateaus”, these values continue to be not just thinkable and possible, but precisely they give legitimacy to the modern aesthetic. This is also the context of interpretation of the question of the end of romanticism, logically intertwined with
other discussed ends with an axiological basis—of the complete personality, of art,
of “great narratives”…
Keywords: romanticism; postmodernity; aesthetic subjectivity; aesthetic values; Fr. Schlegel; Lyotard