Greta Stoyanova
Alexander Georgiev-Kodzhakafaliyata Primary School
Absract. For the successful implementation of the new Life sciences and Biology and health education curriculums it is essential to put the emphasis on the research approach. As a teacher who embraces innovations, I encourage and apply both the practical and project-orientated education. „Science Fair“ is a method of teaching and learning in which the students acquire new knowledge, develop skills and competencies, while planning, putting in practice and presenting the projects that they have created (individually and in teams). Working on projects turns the act of
learning into an exciting and intriguing process, provokes the natural curiosity and
research desire of the students, enhances their motivation for learning, improves the
collaboration between the teacher and the students, supports the active and interactive
learning, combines knowledge, experiences and actions in an innovative way with
the aim of solving real and actual problems. The students are the main driving force,
as they experiment, seek and find their own answers, which makes them feel like
explorers and inventors. By doing so, I stimulate the development of the potential,
creativity, proactivity, creative thinking and imagination of each individual student.
Keywords: Science Fair; project-based training