Dr. Silvia Varbanova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The article discusses essential characteristics of the social functions of non-formal education in the present day. The way of carrying out the main functions
is examined in relation to some trends in postmodern society and its specific crisis
and risk features. The review and analysis of social functions was done through
a survey of conceptual and empirical studies in the field of non-formal education
and ongoing research conducted through semi-structured interview with students
participating in non-formal education activities, parents and teachers in non-formal
education services. The possibilities and limitations in performing the functions are
considered in relation to globalization and individualization of public life, a new
constellation of peer relationships, the growth of consumer culture, the culture of
immediacy and easy-culture.
Keywords: social functions; personal development; socialization; social change; added value
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