Dr. Angelina Kirkova-Bogdanova
Medical University – Plovdiv
Absract. The sudden transition to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has created stress, especially great for healthcare education, where practical skills are built in laboratories and real settings. Training had to be provided for the faculty as they adapted to the new situation. This article presents the results of feedback from teachers for the course “E-learning. Moodle” in terms of expected benefits, satisfaction and motivation. A comparison was made with the results of a similar training conducted in 2011, when Moodle was installed and provided to
the teachers in the healthcare specialties of MU – Plovdiv. From the periods of lockdown, the academic staff came out with a lot of new knowledge and skills for working in an electronic environment. For the sustainability of the pandemiccatalyzed process of digitalisation of higher education in the best way for students, training must continue and events for presenting good practice organised.
Keywords: Moodle; training; academic staff; healthcare