Dr. Ivan Beloev, Assoc. Prof.
University of Ruse Angel Kanchev (Bulgaria)
Dr. Oksana Bulgakova, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Oksana Zakhutska, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Maria Bondar, Assoc. Prof.
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Dr. Lesia Zbaravska, Assoc. Prof.
Podillia State University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of organizing and conducting professionally oriented laboratory classes in fundamental sciences, in particular physics in agricultural and technical universities. The research aim is to theoretically substantiate and develop the methodology for the formation of professionally oriented experimental skills of future agricultural engineers in the process of performing laboratory work in physics in the conditions of the integration of fundamental and professional training. To achieve the research aim, we used the following research methods: theoretical (comparative analysis of scientific, methodological and pedagogical literature) and empirical (observation, analysis, survey of respondents, generalization and modeling of research results, generalization of pedagogical learning experience). In order to select and understand the experiment results, we conducted a survey of teachers and students in order to reveal their understanding of the importance of studying physics for future professional activities. The analysis of the content of physics curricula and other subjects of the natural-mathematical and professional cycles of training made it possible to determine the topics that can be supplemented at laboratory classes in physics (these additions are aimed at the formation of practical skills, which are a necessary component of the professional competence of future specialists in the agricultural sector). The professional orientation in teaching natural sciences involves studying the science basics in an organic connection with the specifics of the future profession. The research experimentally proved that the practical focus of teaching physics changes the student’s attitude to theoretical training, helps him discover the deep internal interdependence of theory with future professional activity, his training as a specialist.
Keywords: professionally oriented training, competence, interdisciplinary connections, physics
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