Dr. Dobrinka Stoyanova, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Blaga Madzhurova, Assist. Prof.
Dr. Stefan Raychev, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The main problems discussed in this article are related to the study of the effects of the epidemiological situation imposed due to the spread of the coronavirus epidemic on education in Bulgaria through the prism of the labour market. The dynamics of the labour market have been empirically studied and
the results show that the crisis with COVID 19 has an impact both economically and socially and at the sectoral level, where a number of structural problems and challenges to public policies and the education system come to the fore. Many sectors have failed to recover, and in combination with quarantine measures and
digitalisation as a means of maintaining activity, this requires a rethinking of work,
knowledge and skills. The education system could provide the necessary knowledge
and skills to the workforce, so that in the future the digitalisation and flexibility of
production and trade in goods and services could become a key factor in dealing
with such external shocks.
Keywords: пазар на труда; публични политики; икономически растеж