Dr. Galina V. Velikova, Assoc. Prof.
Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy – Varna (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This study aims to offer a classification of shortened terms and terminological phrases in Maritime English using the lexico-semantic method. It is based on examples excerpted from learning materials designed for cadets and students of Navigation at Varna Naval Academy, all of them compiled in the Learner’s English-Bulgarian Maritime Dictionary and forming a large corpus representative of the domain they are used in. Shortening here is chosen as an umbrella term for initialisms, acronyms, clippings and blends. The topic is worth discussing because it reveals techniques of shortening in maritime English thereby raising learners’ awareness to a variety of English they are going to face in their future work in a multinational environment.
Keywords: shortening, classification, clipping, blending, abbreviation