Dr. Galina Ivanova, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Aleksandar Ivanov, Assoc. Prof.
“Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse
Abstract. Intelligent computer systems have indeed experienced rapid development in recent years. The penetration of artificial intelligence in almost all spheres will certainly change some professions. In the educational sphere for the use of the artificial intelligence are also required new digital competencies and skills that must be mastered by teachers in order to be successfully used for learning and teaching.
А comparative analysis with various indicators of popular intelligent computing systems are made in the report and the possibilities for their use in the educational process are discussed. The results from study of readiness and attitude to use artificial intelligence systems of professors, teachers, students and doctoral students are presented. The results of the survey, which confirm the need to raise awareness of the possibilities of AI and to conduct more practical training to acquire digital competences and skills to use AI in education, are discussed in the paper.
Keywords: intelligent computer systems, artificial intelligence, digital competences, education