Prof. Dr. Plamen Zahariev,
Prof. Dr. Georgi Hristov, Prof. Dr. Ivan Beloev
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
Abstract. In the recent years, the use of artificial intelligence in the education domain has experienced a significant growth. The main reasons for this are the numerous innovative solutions, products and services, which are used not only in the educational processes, but also in the corresponding to them administrative activities. Based on this, the present publication aims to present the latest trends and the applications of the artificial intelligence in the education sector. This research has led to the identification of several key areas, in which the artificial intelligence has a significant contribution to the educational processes, including the adaptive assessment, the intelligent tutoring systems, the educational data mining, the personalized learning, the virtual reality, etc. This publication also presents some of the potential benefits, challenges and ethical considerations, which are associated with the use of the artificial intelligence technologies in the education.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, education, adaptive assessment, intelligent tutoring systems, robotic systems