Prof. Julia Doncheva, DSc.,
Dr. Galina Ivanova, Assoc. Prof.
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
Dilshod Tojievich Oblokulov
Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Uzbekistan
Abstract. The publication comments on the use of information and communication technologies for students with special educational needs. The educational process also includes the digital environment, which is new for this age period, but extremely interesting and easily digestible. In this regard, the homelands in the 21st century cannot and should not be educated and brought up with the means of their parents or ancestors. Educational institutions, from the very beginning of the introduction of digital technologies until now, have been and are keeping up with the new. The teaching staff, in addition to being rejuvenated in terms of age with young teachers, recently graduated from the universities, where specific training is carried out for methodology and work with ICT, but also constantly upgrade their knowledge, skills and competences in this aspect. The students of the new century have new sensations, needs, motivation, which all of us working in this sector need to comply with and implement effectively, for their sake – the future of the Bulgarian nation.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, education, students, special educational needs, digital environment