Vasyl Shvets, Oleksandr Shkolnyi, Iryna Dremova
National Dragomanov Pedagogical University – Kyiv (Ukraine)
Abstract. The evolution of the content and quality of written state standardized final and entrance testing in mathematics in Ukraine, from the first attempt to implement in 1994 until now, is considered in the article. We describe the features and stages of development of Ukrainian standardized tests in mathematics (external independent assessment and state final attestation), analyze the causes of successes and failures and also prospects for their further improvement. Based on our own statistical experiment, we compare the quality of mathematical preparation of Ukrainian graduates who entered the pedagogical universities of Ukraine in 1994, 2005 and 2020. According to this experiment, we draw conclusions about the existing problems of ensuring the proper quality of mathematics education in Ukraine and give recommendations on possible solutions to these problems.
Keywords: mathematical education; state final attestation; external independent assessment; entrance exams to the university; the quality of mathematical preparation