Al-Obaidi S. H.1), Kamensky I. P.2), Hofmann M.1), Khalaf F. H.3)
1) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Mining University (Russia)
2) Scientific Research Center, SPB (Russia)
3) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Knowledge University, Erbil (Iraq)
Abstract. A variety of methods are examined in this study in order to improve oil recovery from low-permeability heterogeneous reservoirs in oil-saturated shale deposits. Calculations based on the fluid flow model revealed that water and gas injection was effective, and that horizontal and directional wells, including those employing hydraulic fracturing are evaluated in this study. Moreover, hydraulic fracturing in directional wells with vertical completions was found to be one of the most effective methods for water injection in this study. However, when hydraulic fracture length is hard to achieve, the gas injection has been found to be a more efficient way to enhance oil recovery than water injection. Furthermore, horizontal drilling technology was most effective in the central part of the reservoir.
Keywords: gas injection; water injection; hydraulic fracturing; horizontal wells; shale formation