ЮЗУ „Н. Рн.,ски·· – Б.1агоевгра.
The dispute on civic education in Bulgarian school has not ended yet. Despite the fact that such education is lega11y regulated through the state educationa1 requirements from the year 2000, it is sti1l а matter of discussion.
The reasons for this on-going discussion are the ideological, methodological and methodical bases that prerequisite Civic education. These. ho\vever, are to а great extend related to the proЫem of civic society and the transition to democracy in Bulgaria. Will Bulgarian school Ье аЫе to overcome the constant change of the ideological and democratic ,,alues it has to reason, defend and apply? PossiЫe point of \’ie\\! \voes offered in the stories of Andersen, as the messages of good literature are eternal.