1) Vladislav Sheleketa, 2) Vasilij Ivakhnov,
3) Irina Dmitrieva, 4) Natalia Revenko
1)Belgorod State Technological University (Russia)
2)Volgograd State Technical University (Russia)
3)Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia)
4)Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law (Russia)
Abstract. The article discusses the features of the process of transformation of human consciousness and educational culture in the conditions of the modern information society in the context of digitalization. By using such concepts, the theory of postmodernism and existentialism, the authors prove the legitimacy of the explication of these theories on the processes of transformation of human consciousness and radical changes in educational culture. At the same time, the necessity of critical reflection on the processes and phenomena from the perspective of the basic values of human life, such as love, moral values, creativity, is emphasized. The role of independent and systemic thinking as a condition for self-realization is also proved.
The phenomenology of modern consciousness, intertwined with the phenomena of technology, is the basis of the existential analysis of consciousness. According to the authors, it is an utmost technological and utilitarian orientation of consciousness. Consciousness today is a reflection of the technological orientation of society and this cannot but affect the educational culture, which is becoming technological. The information space modulates the independence of thinking as a support for authoritative opinions, awakening the needs for material well-being, to the detriment of the dialogic nature of thinking and the independence of thinking.
Keywords: information society; social Institute; transformation of consciousness; simulacra; technique; manipulation