Georgi Kostov
Agricultural University – Plovdiv
Abstract. Since time immemorial, agricultural scientists study all aspects of living organisms and the relationships of plants and animals to their environment. It is known that wild grains have been collected and eaten from at least 105 000 years ago, and possibly much longer. To this day, the key role of agriculture in people’s existence has not diminished in any way. On the contrary, agricultural sciences continue to address a number of global issues, led by a number of great minds in the field. One of these great minds, the Brazilian agronomist and soil biology pioneer Dr. Johanna Döbereiner, inevitably left a lasting mark on agronomy as a science and practice. This article examines the biography, life path and achievements in the field of science of Dr. Döbereiner, her career, scientific interests and honours, thereby aiming to give her the undeniably deserved respect and popularize her work. The interesting scientific career of this remarkable woman is an incentive for many people to immerse themselves in the world of agricultural sciences.
Keywords: agricultural scientists, biography, achievements, science, Dr. Johanna Döbereiner