Prof. Stoyan Denchev, DSc.
Dr. Miriyana Pavlova, Assist. Prof.
Dr. Steliana Yordanova, Assist. Prof.
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
Abstract. The specific force characteristics of state power structures play a major role when shaping the political and economic dynamics. They influence the processes of decision-making and they definitively define the distribution of public resources in each and every country or a group of formally united states.
In this article, we will try to analyze how and in what way should be applied educational strategies for studying the complex interplay between the dynamic characteristics of the force structures of power, paying special attention to their formal and informal mechanisms of influence from different perspectives. Through analysis and subsequent synthesis of known theoretical frameworks, and based on empirical research, we will define a complex understanding of how power manifests itself both on the basis of formal organizational hierarchies and through contemporary informal social networks.
The suggested research framework is based on the methodology of change, which is “enlightened” through the so-called architectural approach. This approach is applied inclusively in the complex and intricate dynamics of educational strategies, promoting its more equitable distribution of the power functions in the hierarchies of society as a whole and defining wider frameworks for coercive influence, through modern information and communication technologies.
Keywords: state power structures, formal and informal mechanisms, networks; governance, information and communication technologies (ICT), social dynamics